Another good sleep but woke up to a wet, cold day. Went for another walk around Metz, calling in on another church we passed, then to what is thought to be the oldest church in France, dating from the forth century. Stopped in at a Paul’s for another non standard breakfast, I had coffee (I asked for white coffee and it just scraped by, it was very strong) and an apple tart, Song had a blueberry tart. We went back to the cathedral because Song did some reading and wanted to have another look. Reading this you may think we’re on some religious pilgrimage, but we just find European churches interesting – some amazing architecture, paintings, carvings and history.
The rain stopped and the sun came out, took more photos then back to the hotel to pick up the bags, then onto the station to get the train to Nancy. I tried the machines but they rejected the credit cards which wasn’t a good sign, and had to queue up in the world’s slowest moving queue to buy the tickets. Probably just as well because I nearly bought tickets to Nantes which is on the west coast. It was while in the queue that I had another one of my (many) brilliant ideas. I call it Citypacks. Say you’re travelling to Melbourne – you go on a website and you order a pack for the city that includes a map, a directory of things to do and places to eat, maybe vouchers, a Myki card loaded with credit, a local pre loaded sim card etc. Instructions on how the local travel works because everywhere is different – for example, in Melbourne, prepare to be held down by 5 ticket inspectors and beaten up if you don’t have a Myki. In Romania and Russia don’t hail a cab in the street unless you want to be driven to the middle of nowhere and robbed. In Marrakech don’t take up the offer of kids who say they’ll show you the way, unless you want to be taken to the middle of nowhere etc.
Anyway, hopped on the train to Nancy, and got told by the conductor that we should have validated the tickets in a machine before getting on. If only I’d ordered a Citypack, I would have known this.
Got to Nancy, walked about 15 minutes to the hotel then out and about again. It started to rain so I had to go back to the hotel to grab the umbrella. Wandered the streets, came across an impressive gate (took photos of course), then continued with no destination in mind. Found a pleasant park, then came across the main square – Place de Stanislaw. Each entrance was decorated with magnificent gates covered in gold paint, plus 2 had fountains. Carried on, found the main shopping street then went looking for somewhere to eat. We avoided the main square and headed back to the hotel area, but all the restaurants were closed – it appeared they only opened for lunch and dinner. Went back to the hotel for an hour or so and then back to a restaurant we passed earlier. I perused the menu, which was in French. Now I do speak a bit of French but I learnt it 40 years ago so I don’t know how good it is, although I do seem to make myself understood. However, the menu had me a bit stumped, because I think the restaurant was geared around offal, and I am not a big fan. I think I saw head of veal and pig’s trotters on the menu. I took a bit of a gamble and went for what I thought was lamb shank for me and smoked sausage with sauerkraut for Song. If mine turned up with eyes I may have decided to become a vegetarian on the spot. I asked if it came with potatoes and the waiter said yes, then added “pommes de terre sudhg griv frompf crudjus?” So I said yes please. I had no idea what he said. I later heard the waiter speaking English to another couple, so either my French was so good that I had him thinking I was a local, or he was amusing himself. Probably the latter.
Luckily the potatoes were very nice, as was the lamb. Song enjoyed her meal. For dessert we shared a plate of 5 local cheeses, again very good.
Meandered back to the hotel and relaxed.
Tomorrow we’re off to Paris for 2 nights, then we fly home.