Didn’t sleep well having picked up a cold, sick yet again, probably from the flight. Up at 0500 to get the train to Kingston, a small town on Lake Ontario. Journey was pleasant but not great scenery, mainly flat with farms and fields. Got the bus from the station to the hotel but didn’t have enough change, but the driver, a young guy, said not to worry and let us on and asked where we were going, where we were from and was very chatty. Compare this to Melbourne where the ticket inspectors are basically thugs who issue on the spot fines or threaten court if you don’t have a ticket.
Dropped the bags at the hotel and took another bus into the main part of town where we bought tickets for a cruise of the 1000 islands, the reason for coming to Kingston. Pottered around the shops for a while, Song bought a pair of sandals then onto the boat. So far every one has been very friendly, all the hotel staff and shop assistants.
Opted for the buffet lunch on the boat, hopefully poutine wasn’t on the menu, and I had my first Canadian beer, an Okanagan pale ale that was ok from what I could tell through my blocked nose.
The weather was fabulous, sunny and warm.
The cruise went up the St Lawrence River, past some large islands and after about an hour I thought it was a bit dull. However, we then entered the most spectacular part of the cruise and it was amazing – hundreds of tiny islands, most with a single house on, just barely enough land to fit them. It’s difficult to describe, but I obviously took loads of photos. Song booked this and picked yet another amazing place.
The buffet was decent enough although I couldn’t taste much, but still went back for seconds.
Enjoyed the scenery, then when we got back wandered around the town looking for fridge magnets but didn’t find any nice ones so caught the bus back.
Both of us were pretty tired after the early start and not hungry so just stayed in the hotel and relaxed.
Tomorrow we’re on the train again to Toronto.