Woke up early, had breakfast then walked into the old town again because the weather was nice and sunny and we wanted to get better photos.
Pottered around for a while looking in the shops, then went back to the hotel to get the taxi to the airport to fly to Ljubljana in Slovenia.
Got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, we were the only people through passport control, then waited to board.
We flew Serbia Air; I’m a bit wary about the small airlines – the pilots of the Qantas A380 flights to London probably did pretty well at pilot school. The ones who fly Serbia Air between Skopje and Belgrade, not so much. The plane was pretty small, a 2 engined turbo prop – not the smallest we’ve been on, but certainly one of them (an ATR-72-202). The in flight meal was a plain bread roll and small bottle of water. The entertainment was the cabin crew performing traditional Macedonian folk music (not really, but I wouldn’t have been surprised).
Fortunately the flight was only just over an hour, but we had a 2 hour layover in Belgrade.
Had a meal of chicken and mushroom carbonara pasta (me) and pizza (Song). There wasn’t much choice, but it was actually pretty good for an airport – they cooked it fresh. Also had an ice cream to use up the Serbian cash.
The plane was the same type as the first leg, was quite full and we were greeted by the world’s oldest flight attendant. The flight was only an hour and a bit long but I wasn’t sure she was going to make it. I think she was the attendant on the Wright brother’s flight.
The obligatory screaming baby sat behind us but luckily I had taken out my noise cancelling headphones and also managed to score a seat further in front, gallantly leaving Song behind.
The Ljubljana airport is set amongst some mountains, and the sun was setting behind the snow capped peaks, very pretty.
We aimed to catch the public bus and walk about 10 minutes to the hotel so stood at the bus stop and were approached by a guy saying he would take us in a mini bus directly to the hotel for 9 Euro each. The bus was 4 Euro each but after the experience of Skopje didn’t fancy walking in a strange city in the dark, and the guy didn’t look axe-murdery so we agreed.
Took about 40 minutes, didn’t see much because it was dark.
Tomorrow is Lake Bled and looking around the old town.