Up at 07:30 for breakfast at 08:30 – we were told it gets busy so had to specify a time.
Not very nice so I stuck to cereal and yoghurt.
Out to a Starbucks, our usual routine. Down to the station to ask about a bus to the Shrine and to check that we would be able to see Mount Fuji. Weather was perfect again, sunny and 23c.
On the way I remarked to Song that we hadn’t seen any Ninjas – then I realised that was the point.
Went to the tourist information office to ask about where we could see Mount Fuji and she pointed to a bus that was about to leave. The next one was in another hour and a half so we ran over and managed to get on. There were lots of old people on board so we hoped we’d got the right one.
45 minutes later after driving up a winding road we arrived at the last stop at Nihondara, and all piled off. Looked around and couldn’t see Mount Fuji, but a load of the old folks headed off up a path so we followed them. It came out to a walkway and in the distance was the top of Mount Fuji, a band of cloud obscuring most of it but the snow covered peak was clearly visible. Took loads of photos then back down to get the bus back. There was a rope bridge down to a Shrine but we’d seen enough of them so gave it a miss.
Got back to the city, had a bit of a wander then had lunch – sashimi for me and Song had some noodles and small fish. Onto the Shinkansen to Tokyo. Mount Fuji can be seen from the train but by the time we passed it the weather was bad and there were too many clouds, so we were lucky to see it earlier.
Arrived in Tokyo after about an hour and a quarter, checked Google which said it was a 30 minute walk to the hotel. An hour later we arrived – I’m beginning to lose trust in the directions from Google maps – a few times it has told us something but after asking a local or the tourist information office it’s been wrong.
Dropped the bags in the room, found a ninja hiding in the cupboard but chased him out and popped out for dinner.
Just around the corner was a sushi train place so we hopped aboard and had several plates. After a while the place filled up, strange because it was on a side street off a side street.
All raw fished out, went back to the hotel to relax – we have 3 days in Tokyo with nothing planned.