Up at 8, down to breakfast, and a good selection. Sticking to my principal of “I’ve paid for it, I’m going to eat it“, had toast, muesli, a pastry, coffee, orange juice (2), egg, bacon and sausage. I couldn’t see over my plate to see what Song had.
Outside the sun was shining but it was cold, 5C according to Google but felt colder to me. We went back to St. Peter’s church and went inside – very empty compared to other churches we’ve been in. The walls were bare brick and only a few icons. Went up the tower, with the aid of a lift, and got some good photos of the city but it was very cold up there in the wind. The building was virtually destroyed during the war and rebuilt in 1973 to the same design. It seems a lot of Riga was damaged during the war but they’ve rebuilt the historic buildings.
Walked about a bit visiting the sights marked on the map then decided to visit a cafe to warm up and use wifi.
Out and up the road to the Freedom Monument, then into yet another church, this one had paintings on the ceilings and walls. Next up was a walk around the Art Nouveau area. Apparently Riga has some of the best Art Nouveau buildings. I would have to agree – some absolutely beautiful and stunning apartment blocks. I took some photos. As far as I know there were none that we could go inside, which was a pity.
After this we carried on walking, heading to the market. The map said it was on the other side of the town, but the distances the map showed were exaggerated and getting from one place to another didn’t take as long as it looked. It had warmed up, but still needed the jacket.
Walked through the city to the market, and it was huge. Some of it was outside, but the bulk of it was in 4 old Zeppelin hangars. I think it’s the biggest market I’ve ever seen.
Finished wandering, back to the hotel for a rest before dinner.
Same place as the day before, I had scallops to start and butterfish with roasted vegetables, mozzarella cheese and tomatoes – an unusual combination but it worked. Also had a beer. Song had salad with goat’s cheese for starter and seafood pasta for main. Both were very good again.
Walked to the supermarket to pick up some nibbles for the 4.5 hour bus trip tomorrow, then back to the hotel to collapse. Walked 14.57 Km today.